Minggu, 01 Desember 2013

from Analytical to Bruno Mars

Analytical paragraph adalah paragraf yang menjelaskan tentang suatu hal yang sifatnya satu arah. Maksudnya itu…ketika kita menjelaskan dampak positif dari suatu hal, maka di dalam paragraf itu, kita tidak boleh selingkuh dan membahas tentang dampak negatif dari suatu hal tersebut. Jika kita ingin menulis tentang dampak positif dan negatif suatu hal di dalam satu paragraf maka paragraf itu disebut 'hortatory paragraph'. Berikut ini satu contoh ‘analytical paragraph’ yang aku buat oral test minggu lalu……….

The Power of Music in Our Life
The honourable our English teacher Miss. J. R. and my beloved friends, Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb.
First off all, let’s pray to the God for the chance and the happiness given to us. On this occasion, I would like to talk about the power of music in our life.
Friends, do you agree that music is important in our life? *yang ga setuju pulang aja sono :D* Yes I do, music has a secret power what can completing our life in all activities. It some reasons why music is heard anywhere and everywhere.
Music is way to express feeling. When we are sad, we usually listen melancholic music and immerse ourselves in the sadness. When we are happy, we will choose songs with melody or happy tunes. Also when we are fall in love, the kind of music we do listen is all about love too.
Song can help to memorize the special moment. Maybe your boyfriend or your girlfriend ever sing a song to you, like that………
“ ……When I see your face
There’s not a thing I would change
‘Cause your amazing
Just the way you are…..” *ini beneran nyanyi*
I’m sorry if my voice is not sweet, heheh:p…  okkk… Whenever you hear that song again. You will remember anything and everything what your boyfriend or your girlfriend do to you in that moment.
Besides, music can unite people. A song with good lyric and deep chord can persuade people who hear that song. We can see in the case of legendary song from Michael Jacson, like Heal the World and You’re not Alone. It can increase humanism a lot of people in the world.
Finally, now we are know if the music is the universal language. So, what would the world without music? It would be lonely.
I think it’s all enough. Thanks for your attention, sorry if there was mistake words and bad voice:p. Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

Nah....itulah satu contoh analytical paragraph.
Emmm.... Terimakasih  sudah membaca...Semoga bermanfaat. Amalkanlah walau satu ayat :))
Title: from Analytical to Bruno Mars; Written by Unknown; Rating: 5 dari 5

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